Workplace design Post Covid-19 has seen an increasing use of agile design concept. This concept promotes collaboration based on different projects while allow individuals to concentrate or work from home. Individuals are not assigned to specific seat but given the freedom to choose any seats or space to work with team members or stay in focus areas. A variety of meeting spaces, huddle spaces, stand-up meeting hubs, etc. are provided to allow different teams to collaborate. This concept differs from traditional office design which allocates employees by departments.
Companies can reduce the required number of seats and use less spaces due to this flexible working strategy. This allows companies to save costs while promotes more social interaction because when people come to the office, they come to attend team meetings and work together.
Study has shown the agile workplace has been widely welcome by companies in most business types. Companies looking for more innovation and better project management ussually utilize this concept in their new offices. Most of them also renovate their existing offices to adapt this concept.
To learn more about this concept or some tools how to utilize this concept, please see more: